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GreenSock last won the day on May 10

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GreenSock last won the day on May 10

GreenSock had the most liked content!

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    Chicago Area
  • Interests
    Volleyball, Basketball, Christian Apologetics, Motorcycling

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  1. I read your post several times and I don't understand what you're asking, sorry. I'm not sure what you're trying to do. You seem to have .info-content-right stuff that has a width of 100% which ends up being 0 (check dev tools), so none of it would be visible anyway. I'm just completely lost about what you're trying to do, sorry. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Yeah, it's just a logic issue in your code: // bad .to(item, { background: "#ed3c3c",boxShadow:'0 0 16px #ed3c3c' }, 0.5 * i) // good .to(item, { background: "#ed3c3c",boxShadow:'0 0 16px #ed3c3c' }, 0.5 * (i-1)) You were running that logic on only the 2nd item and after. Thus everything starts at 0.5 seconds into the timeline. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/PovweLe?editors=0010
  3. You had various syntax problems and logic problems in your code. Plus you weren't loading or registering ScrollTrigger. Is this what you're looking for?: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/jOoExGv?editors=1010
  4. Yeah, that doesn't look like it's GSAP-related at all. GSAP seems to be doing its job, but from what I can tell, you've got some other library or logic that's implementing a fake scrollbar and it's not getting updated properly when the window is scrolled to the appropriate position. I'd recommend looking at that library to figure out what it's doing (or not doing). Maybe there's some kind of update method you need to call from within an onUpdate on the scrollTo tween to get it to update that fake scrollbar to the correct position. We can't really do much if you don't provide a minimal demo (like a CodePen or Stackblitz) or if it's not a GSAP-related issue. Hopefully this gets you going in the right direction though. Good luck!
  5. Welcome to the forums, @Sandy Choudhary You should never animate the same element that you're pinning. Instead, just create a wrapper element that you pin instead: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjqjQMV Is that what you're looking for?
  6. Does it solve it for you if you set immediateRender: false on the ScrollTrigger?: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-vynow2?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FHeroIntro%2FHeroIntro.js,src%2Fservices%2Fgsap.js
  7. Hi @WEB1995. That's actually a super complex thing to try to do because you've got some wild variation in the direction and pacing of the line. At some points the line is going UP...but you're scrolling DOWN. And sometimes it's going directly horizontal (so no vertical movement at all), while the page is scrolling down. So logically, it's literally impossible to have it "centered" the whole time (if the page is moving down and the line is moving up, see the problem?). You can sort of approximate things with the magic of that pathEase() helper, but it'll never be perfect: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/BaeaZqd?editors=1010 The only way to have it perfectly centered is to take an entirely different approach, like by putting everything in a container that you then translate it dynamically to keep it centered. That's not a super simple thing either, and it's well beyond the kind of help we can provide for free in these forums, but you can contact us for paid consulting services. I hope that helps!
  8. That's just a CSS issue. There are many ways to set it up. Here are two: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/rNgNwjr https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/zYQYzKm
  9. There were quite a few problems with the logic in that demo. Lots of extra code too. Is this more like what you're trying to do?: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-bj9hsn?file=app%2Fpage.tsx
  10. Yeah, that sure looks like the problem is exactly what @GSAP Helper said it was. You can't scroll to non-whole numbers. It's not a limitation of GSAP - browsers just won't do that. Since you're using ScrollSmoother, you should be able to animate its scrollTop to the exact value you need: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/LYoPejL?editors=0010 Is that any better?
  11. I'm glad to hear you narrowed it down! No need to delete the post yet. If you're still running into any problems, I'd encourage you to make sure you're using the latest version of GSAP too. Good luck!
  12. GreenSock

    Licensing Confusion

    If the web site uses GSAP, and at least parts of that web site are behind a paywall, it would technically be appropriate to get the special commercial license. That being said, our entire business model relies on the honor system and being supported by customers who see the value in what we provide. So if you're not using GSAP in any areas of the site that are behind a paywall and you don't think the value GSAP delivers is worth the membership fee, we're totally fine with you not joining Club GSAP. We're passionate about having happy customers around here 🙂 I hope the tools serve you well!
  13. GreenSock

    Licensing Confusion

    Thanks for checking, @kch! Yes, since parts of the web site itself that uses GSAP will only be available to paying members, that would require the special commercial license that comes with the "Business" Club GSAP membership. Basically, if you answer "yes" to any of the following, you'd need that special commercial license: Do you have multiple developers that need access to the bonus plugins like SplitText, ScrollSmoother, MorphSVG, etc.? Does your GSAP-enhanced website/game/product require the user to pay a fee to use? (like Netflix.com) Are you selling a GSAP-enhanced product to multiple end users? (like a website template, theme or game) Are you using GSAP in a game/app with optional paid features/upgrades? If your website sells products that aren't GSAP-enhanced like clothing, widgets, food, etc., that doesn't require the commercial license. It only matters if the thing for which a fee is collected uses GSAP in some way. The standard "no charge" license even covers usage in projects where only a one-time development fee is charged, like an agency that's paid to build a fancy web site that's free for everyone to use. We like to think that a Club GSAP membership pays for itself very quickly when you consider all the time it’ll save, the added capabilities that the bonus plugins deliver...and of course that sense of having animation superpowers is priceless 🙂 Thanks again for asking about this. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  14. MorphSVGPlugin is not in the public/free package - it's only for Club GSAP members ("Premium" and "Business"). You obviously have a Premium membership (thanks!) but you're importing the standard (free) "gsap" NPM package into your demo, so that won't have it. You can use the "gsap-trial" package instead. See https://gsap.com/trial Also, don't forget to register the useGSAP hook: gsap.registerPlugin(useGSAP, MorphSVGPlugin);
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